Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

there are two new albums of this year, Buenos Aires in black and white, to add some drama, and in color.

I took many photos wandering around, here you see what I discovered, what made me reflect, and the titles should help you, as a little guide, to understand, why I stopped to take a specific image.

I would appreciate your comments!




Vacation in Argentina

The photos you can see in the new album "Argentina 2010" are taken during my latest trip to Argentina. I stayed, together with my son Phaidon, for a week in Buenos Aires and then we travelled for a few days up north to the provinces of Salta nd Jujuy. We went to Tilcara, along the Quebrada as well as high up to the Salinas Grandes on 3800m  close to the Bolivian border. How can you possibly  reduce all those fantastic experiences into a small frame?  Here you see the result, enjoy!

Welcome to my new Website

I am very pleased to present my photographic work in this new suit, a real smoking, designed by my son Sebastian. Enjoy travelling along with my visual experiences in many different places.